The idle air control valve, commonly referred to as the "idle speed control valve," manages how quickly your engine idles. The computer in the engine is in charge of this. Your car may occasionally stall or idle abnormally due to faulty parts.
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The idle speed control mode is used to prevent engine stall during idle. The goal is to allow the engine to idle at as low an RPM as possible yet keep the engine from running rough and stalling when power-consuming accessories, such as air-conditioning compressors and alternators, turn on.
PDF | This paper proposes a novel modelling and optimization approach for steady state and transient performance tune-up of an engine at idle speed. In | Find, read and cite all the research

Secara umum ISC merupakan rangkaian elektronik yang fungsi utamanya adalah mengatur jumlah udara yang akan melalui idle port pada saat katup gas posisinya tertutup. Hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan komponen seperti IMAS dan ISAS terdahulu di mana pengemudi harus mengatur putaran idle di mesin secara manual.

What is idle speed control system? The idle speed control mode is used to prevent engine stall during idle. The goal is to allow the engine to idle at as low an RPM as possible yet keep the engine from running rough and stalling when power-consuming accessories, such as air-conditioning compressors and alternators, turn on.
Pengertian Idle Speed Control (ISC) ISC (Idle speed control) atau disebut juga IAC (Idle air control) merupakan rangkaian elektronika yang digunakan untuk mengatur banyak sedikitnya udara yang melewati idle port ketika katup gas dalam posisi tertup. Sistem ISC, digunakan pada mesin EFI sebagai pengganti sekrup idle speed yang diatur secara manual. The idle speed controller ensures that the idle speed of the engine remains constant in all load conditions. On this page you can find out about how the idle speed actuator regulates the intake air mass of the engine, and how the failure of this actuator impacts on the engine running. Practical tips for troubleshooting and assembly instructions
Idle speed control adalah bagian dari sistem Electronic Fuel Injection yang fungsinya mengatur putaran mesin, kenali lebih lanjut di sini.
  • what is idle speed control