Sebuah setrika listrik 250 watt digunakan selama 1 jam. Daya (kW) = 250/1.000 kW = 0,25 kW. Waktu (jam) = 1 jam. Perhitungan kWh energi listrik yang digunakan adalah: Energi (kWh) = 0,25 kW x 1 jam = 0,25 kWh (kilowatt-jam) Contoh 2. Sebuah bohlam lampu 10 watt dinyalakan dari jam 6 sore sampai jam 6 pagi.
Use the following formula to convert from kilovolt-amps to kilowatts: P (kW) = S (kVA) × PF. Thus, the real power P in kilowatts is equal to the apparent power S in kVA times the equipment power factor PF. To convert, simply apply the kVA and power factor to the formula above. For example, let's find the real power of a piece of equipment
A kilowatt (kW) is 1,000 watts and is a measure of how much power something needs to run. In metric, 1,000 = kilo, so 1,000 watts equals a kilowatt. A kilowatt hour (kWh) is a measure of the amount of energy something uses over time. Think of it this way: a kilowatt (kW) is the amount of power something needs just to turn it on.
Watt (W) ke volt (V) kalkulator. Masukkan daya dalam watt, arus dalam amp dan tekan tombol Hitung untuk mendapatkan tegangan dalam volt: Pilih tipe saat ini: DC AC - Fase tunggal AC - Tiga fase. Masukkan daya dalam watt: W. Masukkan arus dalam amp: A. Masukkan faktor daya:ኧокти δудուኂ աщ | У ιнарсеλиζо յዋч |
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